Reading IDs

To begin reading your ID, please refer to the corresponding ID type in the table of contents below.

Table Of Contents


To locate the asset paths for a skin ID (CID), you will need to find the 'BaseCharacterParts' array within the skin ID.

This part is very important! We need to match each type of character part with the character parts we are swapping to. To locate the character part type, first click the first 'AssetPathName' in the array. This will then open a new tab. You will need to locate the 'Class' object.

The class value represents our CharacterPart type, which, in this case, is 'CustomCharacterBodyPartData' since the character part I'm referring to is a body.

We can now start adding the character part asset paths to our plugin file. To achieve this, open the 'Assets' array in the plugin file and insert a new object containing the keys 'AssetPath' and 'AssetPathTo'.

   "Name": "Blaze To Renegade Raider",
   "Icon": "",
   "Swapicon": "",
   "Message": null,
   "Assets": [
         "AssetPath": "FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/BRCosmetics/Content/Athena/Heroes/Meshes/Bodies/CP_Athena_Body_F_RenegadeRaiderFire",
         "AssetPathTo": "/Game/Athena/Heroes/Meshes/Bodies/CP_028_Athena_Body"

Key explanation

AssetPath - This will be the path of the asset you are swapping from.

AssetPathTo - This will be the path of the asset you are swapping to.

We'll need to repeat these steps for the remaining character parts in the 'BaseCharacterParts' array within the skin ID.

Note: If the skin you're swapping to has a character part type that the skin you're swapping from doesn't have, the swap option you're attempting to use isn't possible. In such cases, you'll need to explore alternative options.

However, if you have an extra character part from the skin you're swapping from, you'll want to match it with an empty character part from the list below:

/Game/Athena/Heroes/Meshes/Bodies/CP_Mannequin_Body [CustomCharacterBodyPartData]
/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/Common/CP_Head_Med_Empty [CustomCharacterHeadData]
/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/Hats/Empty_None [CustomCharacterHatData]
/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/FaceAccessories/CP_M_FaceAcc_Empty [CustomCharacterFaceData]
/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/Charms/NoCharm [CustomCharacterCharmData]

Note: Do not include the [CustomCharacterPartData]

The final result should resemble something like this:

   "Name": "Blaze To Renegade Raider",
   "Icon": "",
   "Swapicon": "",
   "Message": null,
   "Assets": [
         "AssetPath": "/BRCosmetics/Athena/Heroes/Meshes/Bodies/CP_Athena_Body_F_RenegadeRaiderFire",
         "AssetPathTo": "/Game/Athena/Heroes/Meshes/Bodies/CP_028_Athena_Body"
         "AssetPath": "/BRCosmetics/Characters/CharacterParts/Female/Medium/Heads/CP_Head_F_RenegadeRaiderFire",
         "AssetPathTo": "/Game/Athena/Heroes/Meshes/Heads/F_MED_ASN_Sarah_Head_02_ATH"
         "AssetPath": "/BRCosmetics/Characters/CharacterParts/Hats/CP_Hat_F_Commando_RenegadeRaiderFire",
         "AssetPathTo": "/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/Hats/Hat_F_Commando_08_V01"


To locate the asset path for a backbling ID (BID), you will need to find the 'CharacterParts' array within the backbling ID.

This part is not required, but if the backbling you are swapping from and to are not of the same gender, the backbling may be slightly larger than normal.

You can find the gender of the backbling by clicking on the first character part in the 'CharacterParts' array. Then under 'AttachmentOverrideData' you will find the gender source.

Now that we have located the characterparts from our backbling id we can begin using them in our plugin. To do so open the 'Assets' array in the plugin file and insert a new object containing the keys 'AssetPath' and 'AssetPathTo'.

   "Name": "Red Shield To Black Shield",
   "Icon": "",
   "Swapicon": "",
   "Message": null,
   "Assets": [
         "AssetPath": "/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/Backpacks/Male_Commando_BlackKnight_V01",
         "AssetPathTo": "/Game/Characters/CharacterParts/Backpacks/Male_Commando_BlackKnight"

Key explanation

AssetPath - This will be the path of the asset you are swapping from.

AssetPathTo - This will be the path of the asset you are swapping to.

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